Ismael Silva
The Incomparable Christ
Who is Jesus Christ? How important is Jesus to my life today? Our life is full of challenges and problems, what is the advantage that faith in Jesus can bring to you today?
The way to Happiness
Do you want to be happy? So, what is happiness according to Christ?
O Incomparável Cristo
Quem é Jesus Cristo? Qual a importância de Jesus para minha vida hoje? Nossa vida é cheia de desafios e problemas, qual a vantagem que a fé em Jesus pode trazer para você hoje?
O Toque que Cura
Original Song
Original Song
O Teu Amor me salvou
Original Song
AbouT me
Embracing the Christian faith is both a profound privilege and a weighty responsibility—a chance to radiate Jesus in our daily lives. The challenge: How do we consistently embody Christ’s love? As 1 John 4:8 states, “God is love,” and our mission is to exemplify this truth.
Pondering why God chose someone as ordinary as me, I reflect on my journey with overwhelming gratitude for His transformative work. Looking to the future, I’m filled with hope, anticipating God’s destined blessings for me and my cherished family.
My life’s path led me to Brazil and New Zealand with my beloved wife, Jackie. Together, we’re convinced every Christian must inspire others to connect with God, cultivate healthy relationships, and engage in God’s mission. It’s a calling to share freely, as Matthew 10:8 reminds us.
Following Jesus’s command in Matthew 28:19–20, we’re compelled to make disciples of all nations. We find comfort in His promise to be with us always.
As Theodore Roosevelt wisely said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” My aspiration is to enhance my abilities continually to better serve with excellence.
In summation, I declare, “God is love” (1 John 4:8). My unwavering commitment is to share this Good News throughout my life, touching the hearts of all I encounter.
Music Album
Click here to check my Original songs on Apple Music, Spotify and many others!